Sunday, March 26, 2006

My impressions on The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion[X-Box 360]

There's only one word to describe Oblivion and that's simply, "UN-FUCKING-BELIEVABLE!" Sorry, had to say it.


The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion is set in the world of Tamriel where you can be anything you want, with 10 different characters, from the Mighty Orc to the Heroic Imperial to anything else, with every character having their own unique skills and abilities.

You can customize pretty much any aspect of you're character(s), from resizing the face, to skin color, hair length/color, to even age and complexion and a lot more.

Later in the beginning of the game, you'll get to select a Birthsign. There's 13 total, and each one represents you're very being and gives you the bonus points for you're attributes or even gives you a special skill or power. Also, you'll be able to select a class of up to 3 from a list of 21. You can either select 3 from the list or create a custom class which then you're able to select Combat, Magic or Stealth. Then you'll be allowed to select 2 of 8 attributes(The two will get 10+ bonus) and finally, you'll get to select 7 of 21 major skills. The 7 will start at 25(Apprentice Level), but you'll be able to get all of 21 major skills, but each one(not including the 7 you choose) will be at Novice Level, nothing higher until you level up.

Also, at the end of this area, you'll be given a second chance to re-choose what you've already done with you're character, like changing you're Character type/appearance, Birthsign and Class, so choose wisely and think about it for a minute, because after you leave the area, you won't have this special chance again.

Once you're out in the open world of Tamriel, you'll be able to roam where ever you wish to go, completing quests and the main story or just looking at the fantastic surroundings. There's so many quests to do, they say there's 100+ hours worth of quests so that'll keep you busy for many months to come!

The graphics in this game are simply breathtaking, the best I've ever seen in any game on any console before, besides cut scenes in games, not gameplay. You'll see swaying trees, the sky looks lifelike with moving clouds and even grass, not to mention the water.

The voice-overs are top-notch with lip-syncing to every word you hear and the sound effects, music, wow... simply amazing.

Now the gameplay, wow... the gameplay is just nothing more then phenomenal. There's so many things to do in this game you'll be playing it for months on end. There's no waiting for powers to charge up, like in games like World of Warcraft, if you have a sword you can swing it at will with no waiting at all. You have Health, Magicka and Fatique. You know what Health is(I hope, lol!). Magicka is what lets you use you're spells and powers, and once you run out of Magicka, you can't use you're spells or powers anymore until Magicka regenerates. It regenerates slow if you walk and fast if you run. Fatique is used for Combat attacks, running, swimming, etc and regenerates at a fast rate.

You'll be able to ride horses from city/town to city/town, but what's really awesome is the ability to go to each city/town by the click of the "A" button when you're on the map screen and on a city/town destination, you're able to Fast Travel there as long as you've visited that specific city/town before.

There's honestly a lot to do in Oblivion, as I've said before which will easily go up to 130 hours of gameplay. If you havn't yet tried this game out, you must... don't rent it, don't borrow it from a friend, just go out to you're local GameStop or EB or where ever and buy this game now, you won't regret a second of it!

Also, I'd recommend getting Collector's Edition, since it comes with a few extra bonus items for the extra $10, like a Semptim Gold Coin(Currency in the game) which is pretty awesome.

Anyways, I think that wraps things up... thanks for viewing. :)

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