After many months following it's upcoming release onto the X-Box Live Arcade, UMK3 is finally on the arcade!
Last Friday, I guess UMK3 accidently got released to the X-Box Live Arcade, without any word or notice from Microsoft and was on there for a few hours or something, then got taken down. I went onto the X-Box Live Arcade today and seen that it was still there, so either it was never taken down or was put back up because so many people have already downloaded the game so what would be the point of taking it down, right?
Anyways... go get UMK3 now!
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 fights it's way onto the X-Box Live Arcade!
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Sunday, June 11, 2006
Lack of updates...
Sorry all for the lack of updates. I've been pretty busy in RL(hence, laziness... j/k hehe) and haven't had a chance to update this blog for awhile with new posts, updates, etc.
But that will soon change, I hope.
I'm going to be working on a videogame inspired logo soon and also possibly see about changing this layout, as well to something more... 'videogame like'.
Also, I'm going to be posting my experiences on the action/suspense/horror themed game, Condemned: Criminal Origin later today or tomorrow, whenever I find the time.
That's it for now, so stay tuned!
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Friday, June 02, 2006
The 2006 Game Critic Awards
Well... this year is looking more and more promising for videogames... probably one of the biggest years for videogames ever. The Nintendo Wii. The PS3. X-Box 360. X-Box Live Arcade and awhole slew of PC Games, X-Box 360 Games and more.
And a time of games comes a time of the 2006 Game Critic Awards where videogame journalists across the country come together to give out their thoughts on what was the best the videogame industry has to offer.
One thing I'm totally glad happened was them giving the Nintendo Wii the award for "Best of Show" for E3 2006 along with "Best Hardware/Peripheral" and "Best Sports Game".
There were a lot of other awards given out to other games, obviously and one being "Best Console Game" for Gears of War, which was awesome. Am highly looking forward to that one.
And another game that caught my eye awhile back was Spore, which was given several awards including "Best Original Game".
Check the list out and see what you think.
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Tuesday, May 09, 2006
I finally got my X-Box Live Diamond Card!
Well, it's been several months since I signed up to recieve the X-Box Live Diamond Card, but it finally came in the mail today!
The only way you can recieve an X-Box Live Diamond Card is by being a subscriber of X-Box Live for one full year(12 months) and I've been an X-Box Live subscriber for two years or longer.
What's cool about the X-Box Live Diamond Card is the ability to use it to get discounts on cool stuff at participating retailers like a "Rent one movie/get the second rental free" deal at Hollywood Video and other great offers that are only offered to people who have an X-Box Live Diamond Card. It's a pretty sweet thing they've done.
Here's my X-Box Live Diamond Card:
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Thursday, April 20, 2006
Utterly Brilliant!
Oh wow... what brilliance! I didn't knew this could work either until I was viewing and seeing what's good to read on there and then stumbled upon this little post on this guys blog about "Trying to get a refund on a game that's opened".
An awesome read.
If that actually works, then shit, I may try to do that, but ONLY if I run into the same exact problem he described in his post.
Just simply brilliant!
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Saturday, April 01, 2006
Gamefaqs, closed because their website contains forms of cheating in games?
The ACAA(Anti-Cheating Association of America), just closed down Gamefaqs today because they help people with games(walkthroughs, etc) and to help people cheat in games and I guess they didn't like that so they closed them down. I've never heard of anything like this happening before, as I'm sure it's never happened before, but wtf? Gamefaqs was an awesome website, and now their gone.
Hmm... take a look at the link provided above(click on the title) and see for yourself. :(
Highlight this text here for a surprise -->HAHAH! Ouch, you were had! April F00ls!
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Thursday, March 30, 2006
Thief - FX's newest innovative drama!
Thief is about a crew of men who do heists who have problems along the way.
In the first episode, aired this past Tuesday, the crew did a big heist and there was money involved(which wasn't apart of the plan to begin with) so they took it, but the money belonged to the Chinese Mafia but didn't know that at first.
You all know if you mess with the Chinese Mafia, you won't just die but they'll come after your family as well so no crossing the Chinese Mafia.
They had a fuss about whether they should give the money back and end it or if they should keep the money and screw them over. They decided to give it back but the Chinese Mafia isn't going to go away that easily.
That's all I'm going to say, I'll let you all watch Thief for yourself as it's promising to be a great season.
Thief airs Tuesdays at 10:00pm on FX.
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Crysis - It'll blow you're freakin' mind!
Crytek, the makers of the Far Cry series brings us an all-new experience in their latest game, Crysis.
Crysis is an all-out action packed alien inspired game. The graphics are the best I've ever seen in any game period and will make the PS3's graphics look like a PS1 game as I'm sure the gameplay, controls, sound effects, etc will be top-notch, as well.
If you have any hope to run this game on you're computer, you'll need the best possible top of the line computer.
Crysis is set to be released later this year.
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Sunday, March 26, 2006
My impressions on The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion[X-Box 360]
There's only one word to describe Oblivion and that's simply, "UN-FUCKING-BELIEVABLE!" Sorry, had to say it.
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion is set in the world of Tamriel where you can be anything you want, with 10 different characters, from the Mighty Orc to the Heroic Imperial to anything else, with every character having their own unique skills and abilities.
You can customize pretty much any aspect of you're character(s), from resizing the face, to skin color, hair length/color, to even age and complexion and a lot more.
Later in the beginning of the game, you'll get to select a Birthsign. There's 13 total, and each one represents you're very being and gives you the bonus points for you're attributes or even gives you a special skill or power. Also, you'll be able to select a class of up to 3 from a list of 21. You can either select 3 from the list or create a custom class which then you're able to select Combat, Magic or Stealth. Then you'll be allowed to select 2 of 8 attributes(The two will get 10+ bonus) and finally, you'll get to select 7 of 21 major skills. The 7 will start at 25(Apprentice Level), but you'll be able to get all of 21 major skills, but each one(not including the 7 you choose) will be at Novice Level, nothing higher until you level up.
Also, at the end of this area, you'll be given a second chance to re-choose what you've already done with you're character, like changing you're Character type/appearance, Birthsign and Class, so choose wisely and think about it for a minute, because after you leave the area, you won't have this special chance again.
Once you're out in the open world of Tamriel, you'll be able to roam where ever you wish to go, completing quests and the main story or just looking at the fantastic surroundings. There's so many quests to do, they say there's 100+ hours worth of quests so that'll keep you busy for many months to come!
The graphics in this game are simply breathtaking, the best I've ever seen in any game on any console before, besides cut scenes in games, not gameplay. You'll see swaying trees, the sky looks lifelike with moving clouds and even grass, not to mention the water.
The voice-overs are top-notch with lip-syncing to every word you hear and the sound effects, music, wow... simply amazing.
Now the gameplay, wow... the gameplay is just nothing more then phenomenal. There's so many things to do in this game you'll be playing it for months on end. There's no waiting for powers to charge up, like in games like World of Warcraft, if you have a sword you can swing it at will with no waiting at all. You have Health, Magicka and Fatique. You know what Health is(I hope, lol!). Magicka is what lets you use you're spells and powers, and once you run out of Magicka, you can't use you're spells or powers anymore until Magicka regenerates. It regenerates slow if you walk and fast if you run. Fatique is used for Combat attacks, running, swimming, etc and regenerates at a fast rate.
You'll be able to ride horses from city/town to city/town, but what's really awesome is the ability to go to each city/town by the click of the "A" button when you're on the map screen and on a city/town destination, you're able to Fast Travel there as long as you've visited that specific city/town before.
There's honestly a lot to do in Oblivion, as I've said before which will easily go up to 130 hours of gameplay. If you havn't yet tried this game out, you must... don't rent it, don't borrow it from a friend, just go out to you're local GameStop or EB or where ever and buy this game now, you won't regret a second of it!
Also, I'd recommend getting Collector's Edition, since it comes with a few extra bonus items for the extra $10, like a Semptim Gold Coin(Currency in the game) which is pretty awesome.
Anyways, I think that wraps things up... thanks for viewing. :)
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Wednesday, March 22, 2006
My impressions on the Logitech G15 Gaming Keyboard
Yesterday I bought the new Logitech G15 Gaming Keyboard to see if it's a really good gaming keyboard and it is.
Everything about it seems to be useful in one way or the other. For starters, it has blue backlit keys for easy in the dark navigation that has three displays, no backlit, low backlit and high backlit.
Also, one of the main features of the G15 is the LCD display that can open and close at will, which can display the time, date and a 12 hour clock, CPU usage and memory, and even media information when playing a song or a movie. Also, scripts can be downloaded that has other features for different application that will coincide with the LCD display.
The G15 also features two usable USB slots at the top of the keyboard both on each side of the LCD display that I've tested with my wireless mouse and digital camera and they both work great.
The G15 also features one of the best things about the keyboard are the 54 possible Macro or "G" keys. You can assign anything to each key, such as a website, application, program or anything else you can think of or imagine(pretty much). You can also use the "G" keys in game, which is the most importain aspect of the G15 and it works very well. You'll be able to create a new profile for each game you have installed which is a possible 54 "G" keys per game. The ingame "Quick Macro" feature is a nice touch too which allows you to record keystrokes ingame then when you press the specific "G" key, it'll mimic what keystrokes you did and play them back for you automatically.
The LCD Display.
Two USB slots on the keyboard itself.
Uses USB not PS/2.
Three levels of the blue backlit keys.
The enormous amount of possible macro or "G" keys you can assign.
The price, but the features of the G15 can easily make up for that, but still... some people don't want to pay $80 for a keyboard.
Some people are complaining about the paint of the keys chipping off or fading away after a few weeks or something like that, but when it happens I'll believe it.
Rating: 9.0
Well, that's all I have for my impressions on the Logitech G15 Gaming Keyboard. Check back later tonight or tomorrow on my impressions on The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.
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Tuesday, March 21, 2006
I just got back from a local GameStop, Best Buy and... The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion[X-Box 360] and got Logitech's newest gaming keyboard, the G15!
I'm going to be setting up my Logitech G15 Gaming Keyboard and after that, gonna play The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion!
Here are some screenshots of the The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Collector's Edition Boxart I took with my digital camera(I'll post more pictures later):
Note: Click the images to enlarge them; they'll open up in a new window.
Here are some more pictures of The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Collector's Edition Boxart and Contents:
And here's some pictures of my new gaming keyboard, the Logitech G15 Gaming Keyboard(I'll take more later of the keyboard in action):
Here are some more Logitech G15 Gaming Keyboard screenshots of it in action:
I'll post my impressions of both The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion and the Logitech G15 Gaming Keyboard in a few days.
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Saturday, March 18, 2006
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - Three days left and counting...
Oh man... the time is finally near... when The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion gets unleashed onto the X-Box 360, on Mar. 21, 2005!
Just a matter of three days left and one of the most anticipated games of 2006 will be released!
Here's a few screenshots to make the wait even worse(lol!):
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Thursday, March 16, 2006
World of Warcraft player banned for using Logitech's newest gaming keyboard, the G15!
A WoW player was banned recently for using Logitech's newest gaming keyboard, the G15, but I don't think he was banned for using the keyboard persay, but for using the binded macro buttons to do certain things in game, which supposdely are against WoW's TOS, but only when unattended.
The player had one of the many macro buttons on the keyboard programmed to do three things at once while watching a movie, but he was still there, even though his actions were "bot-like" according to Blizzard.
I hope they give him a second chance, as he has appolized several times and this was his first offence, as well. He has played WoW for 3000 hours and has two Level 60 Characters on two different servers, so I think he deserves another chance.
His story was also submitted to, a HUGE website for User-Submitted stories:
The story has recieved over 3000 diggs and has gotten over 300 comments regarding the matter.
Even though what the player did was wrong, according to Blizzard, I hope this story is submitted to many other websites across the internet so that Blizzard will overturn their decision on banning this dedicated WoW player.
Only time will tell now.
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
The Soprano's return this Sunday!
At last... the wait is finally almost over... 5 days away, and The Soprano's will return, in it's final "supposedly"(Let's hope not) last season.
It's been 2 years since Season 5 and all questions will be answered since then. This should be the best Season yet as everything will unfold. Do not miss it this Sunday on HBO!
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Friday, February 24, 2006
My Top 5 Game Wishlist
5. Black:
Black is an all-out action Convert game. It appears that every single thing in this game can be destroyed in one way or another, as Criterion's motto for this game is, "If you can see it, you can shoot it." This game will hopefully be the biggest and best fully destructable game to be released on any console.
Platform: X-Box, PS2
Release date: Feb. 28, 2006
4. The Elder Scrolls IV - Oblivion:
The moment I layed my eyes on the advertisement of this game in a gaming published magazine, I knew I had to get this HUGE anticipated title. The graphics are just breathtaking, the best I've ever seen in a game yet to date(as gameplay footage, not cinematics, but you already knew that...), the gameplay should be incredible, as there's, I hear, tons and tons of side-quests, plus an incredibly long main story, as well.
Everything else about this game will be fantastic. The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion is easily one of the most anticipated games of 2006!
Platform: X-Box 360
Release date: Mar. 20, 2006
3. Gears of War:
"Gears of War, an Xbox 360 exclusive that blends tactical action with survival horror, thrusts gamers into a deep and harrowing story of humankind's epic battle for survival against the Locust Horde, a nightmarish race of creatures that surface from the bowels of the planet." -
Wow, what can I say? Gears of War should be the new generation of action based games and is easily one of the most anitipated games of 2006! With the new implemented Unreal Engine 3, the graphics will be redefining for the next generation of gaming.
I had the honor of watching Mark Rein, VP of Epic Games, play Gears of War on a black beta X-Box 360 last year at IGN Live. Man, that was an awesome experience... to witness Mark Rein of all people playing Gears of War! That was intense! I even got my picture taken with him, so that was pretty awesome, too! If you have an X-Box 360, PRE-ORDER Gears of War now! You will not soon regret it!
Platform: X-Box 360
Release date: July 3, 2006
2. Halo 3:
Well, what can I say about this game? Everyone I'm sure who's even the slightest gamer knows about Halo 3. Whoever has played Halo 2 and beat it knows that the ending was some-what of a cliff hanger, but I won't say how Halo 2 ended in attempt NOT to piss people off because of the spoiler, knows that Halo 3 will be HUGE.
If you thought Halo 2 was awesome, wait until Halo 3 gets released. Even though there's no sign of development of Halo 3, we all know that Halo 3 is in fact, in development, but there's really no official announcement made by Microsoft or Bungie at this time, but I'm sure we'll all find out at or a bit after this years E3.
They were even talking about Halo 3 being released at the same time as Sony's new console, PS3 to stall the sales of the PS3, because we all know if that happens that Halo 3 will be sold WAY more then the PS3 ever dreamed of. Halo 3 will be THAT good(I hope!).
Platform: X-Box 360
Release date: Some point to Winter 2006, but as of now, still TBA
1. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess:
Casual gamers, hardcore gamers, everyone knows about The Legend of Zelda franchise.
Everyone knows how awesome and great and magnificent and fantastic The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is.
Everyone knows about The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess is a sequel to The Legend of Zelda: Ocerina of Time.
Link is back and ready to save the world of Hyrull all over again in his greatest adventure ever! I played all four demo levels of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess at last year's E3 and they were every bit amazing as I'd imagined them to be and I so can't wait to get my hands on this game, because this will be the only game I'll be playing for the next few months after release.
The question everyone will be asking themselves, "Could The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess be even better and be an even greater game then The Legend of Zelda: Ocarine of Time?" Well, I guess we'll soon find out, but as it stands at this moment, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is easily the Greatest Game ever made in videogame history!
Do yourself a favor and pre-order The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess NOW!
Platform: GameCube
Release date: Fall 2006
Well, there you have it... My Top 5 Game Wishlist. All the games above will be out sooner then later and some later then sooner, but in the end, all these games will be superb!
2006 is gonna be a great year for videogames! WOOOOOO!
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Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Don't have an X-Box 360 yet? Don't worry, you soon will!
IGN has posded a news tidbit Monday on their X-Box 360 section with news from D.I.C.E. 2006 in Las Vegas, talking with Peter Moore, Corporate Vice President of the Interactive Entertainment Business.
He stated this: "Apologies to those of you here and in Europe who haven't been able to find an Xbox 360," Moore opened with, but "you should be able to walk into stores in the next four to six weeks and find systems on store shelves" since production of the next-gen systems has been increased over the past month.
Isn't that reasuring? It should be, since in the next 1-2 months, anyone who hasn't been able to get an X-Box 360 yet, will easily be able to walk into a GameStop or EB and pick one up, so If I were you, I'd start saving up my cold hard cash now!
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Saturday, January 28, 2006
Geometry Wars: Evolved is a BLAST!
Woah! What an X-Box Live Arcade game that one is! Geometry Wars: Evolved is easily the BEST XBLA game out there!
In Geometry Wars, you're this spaceship dude, who can blast his enemies from all sides. You move with the left-hand thumbstick and you fire with the right-hand thumbstick, which gives you the ability to fire from all angles. This game is difficult but within the first 100,000 points, the game is pretty easy. Once you get passed 100,000, they'll be new enemies and trickier ones at that. But also, once you rack up multiplier, like between 5-9, you start racking up the points like you'd never expect.
There are weapon upgrades which you'll first receive at 10,000 points and then you'll get more as you gain points. You start off with 3 lives and 3 bombs. The bombs are used for destroying all enemies on the screen, but you don't get points for doing this; what you do get though is the fact that you just saved you're own ass(haha). You get an extra life every 75,000 and an extra bomb every 100,000 points. That might seen like a lot of points you have to get just to get an extra life or bomb, but trust me, when you have like 10 multipliers racked up, then you'll be getting like a life and bomb every min or something(haha).
Geometry Wars gets extremely intense fast, once you're at the 100,000 point mark, because enemies start coming at you from all angles and you'll totally surrounded by enemies trying to kill you. There is one enemy however that you need to watch out for; he's kind of like a clone of you but different... he's red and when he's coming at you, and you try to shoot him, he blocks you're attack and shoots it back at you. The only way to destroy this enemy is to shoot him from the back or side.
What's interesting is the fact that Geometry Wars only costs 400 Credits(X-Box Live Points) which is about $5.00 or so. Not bad for an extremely fun and intense game.
But what will make this game second place is when FINALLY, when Street Fighter 2: Hyper Fighting is available on X-Box Live Arcade, which should be released sometime in March. Hmm, I wonder how much this game will be?
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Thursday, January 19, 2006
Mortal Kombat: Armageddon!
Midway has decided to unleash the last and final Mortal Kombat game for the Current-Gen consoles and will leave the Current-Gen consoles with a HUGE BANG, and what a bang it will be.
Midway has planned to make almost every single Mortal Kombat Kombatant in Mortal Kombat History to be FULLY playable in Mortal Kombat Armageddon(Except for Motaro). This is HUGE, especially since there's 60+ MK Kombatants. Plus, not only that, but of course, online mode will return just as it was first introduced in Mortal Kombat: Deception, and MK: Shoulin Monk style store mode, as well. But I'm not finished yet... supposedly, what they'll be adding, as well is Create-a-Fighter and Kustom Fatalities(each fighter will come with a pre-set of 20 moves(hopefully they mean Fatalities, hehe). I'm not sure if that will be possible, to create you're own Fatalities, but I guess we'll soon find out.
Mortal Kombat Armageddon is set to be released Oct. 2006!
This is what I have to say to Midway for adding all these features to Mortal Kombat Armageddon, which will ultimately make this leave of the Current-Gen console with a HUGE bang...
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Monday, January 09, 2006
The bloodiest movie of 2006, so far...
I just got back from the theater, and this time I seen Hostel, a movie written and directed by Eli Roth, but also produced by none other then the infamous Quentin Tarantino; so you know it oughta be good... and bloody. I don't want to give anything away, as this post isn't a review of the movie, but just of my experiences of the movie.
The first half of the movie was slow(but not boring at all... you'll get what I mean when you see the movie). Basically, the slowness in the first half was opening you up to what was coming and oh man... what's coming will wake you up in the most terrifyingly, disturbing way imaginable.
The Gore Factor is right up there with Saw I and Saw II. This movie is defiantly not for the weak of heart in all means, and DO NOT bring you're kids as this movie will surely awake their worst nightmares.
Side Note: One of the previews before Hostel comes on is WWE Superstar KAIN's first move, "See No Evil". The movie looks pretty good.
Rating: B+
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