Yesterday, Microsoft officially announced Halo 3's launch is the biggest event in entertainment history, totaling sales of more then $170m in the U.S. alone, passing every single big hollywood movie on opening day in history! Read more...
There was speculation about Halo 3 surpassing Halo 2's first day totals($125m) by about $30m totaling $155m, but I bet they never expected Halo 3's first day totals to be $170m which is a huge leap from Halo 2's first day totals. It's awesome and I applaud both Microsoft Game Studios and Bungie Studios for doing one hell of a job with all the promotions, getting that Halo 3 hype way up there and for making Halo 3 the great game that it is.
Great job!
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Halo 3's launch has become the biggest event in entertainment history!
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Wednesday, September 26, 2007
The Day after Halo 3
Wow... today is the day after Halo 3, in case anyone hadn't noticed and the rush is finally subsiding, yet there's still a lot of stuff happening right now in the Halo Universe.
First off I'd like to say that waiting three-four years was well worth the wait. Absolutely. I couldn't be any more happier with the game and that's including the Campaign and Multiplayer.
The story thus far(haven't beat it yet) is just remarkable. The action is intense especially with everything happening at once, it's incredible. The gameplay is pretty much the same, other then a few things that you can do differently. The graphics were obviously upgraded and improved because of obvious reasons, yet the graphics aren't as great as Gears of War or BioShock, but still a hell of a lot better then Halo 2's graphics. Whatever, just as long as the game is fun as hell(and it is!) then that's all that should really matter anyways, right? Yep, right.
So in conclusion, Halo 3 is an experience you should not miss out on, whether your a casual or hardcore gamer. But if you haven't played Halo: Combat Evolved or Halo 2, then don't both with Halo 3 since you won't know what's going on(story wise) and the story is the best part, next to the gameplay.
Well, anyways, I'm off to go play more Halo 3. Peace.
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Tuesday, September 25, 2007
I now have Halo 3!!!!! WOOHOO!
So I finally got the Halo 3 Legendary(OR ULTIMATE) Edition and I can't be any happier about it.
After work today, I went home to get a few things and then drove to Orange County and then waited at my dads house for awhile. Then around 9:00, I drove to my local GameStop to pick up the final receipt. There was actually two lines, one line for getting the final receipt(which you get only if you paid in full earlier in the day) and then the other line was where all the people went after getting the final receipt.
Anyways, I waited and waited, listened to my Video iPod. So finally the time arrived(12:01am) to get my copy of Halo 3 Legendary Edition. I was pretty far back in the line(kind of), so I thought it'd take at least 30 minutes, but nope... since everyone had already paid in full, the line went quicker then I had originally thought, like 5 minutes I was out the door with my Halo 3 Legendary Edition in hand.
Then I drove home, thanks to my Monster, I did not fall asleep.
Anyways, I'm off to play Halo 3(Just had to make this blog post first, haha). Laterz!
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Sunday, September 23, 2007
Halo 3 = Tomorrow at MIDNIGHT!
Wow... I can't believe tomorrow night at 12:01am Halo 3 will be released to the general public!
And I will be in attendance at my local GameStop(In Orange County) since I pre-ordered it there back in Nov. 2006(where I use to live), but then this past April I moved to Los Angeles. So I gotta do a bit of driving tomorrow after work, but it's all good... after all, it's Halo 3!
Halo 3 is my most anticipated game of 2007 and I'm not just saying that either.. because of all the promotions and hype building up around the game.
I've been waiting for Halo 3 since the second I beat Halo 2 and that was close to three years ago.
I'm sure Halo 3 is going to live up to the hype and even beyond that. I'm now counting the seconds.
I can't wait!
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Saturday, September 01, 2007
Halo 3... right around the corner!
Wow... can't believe it's already Sept... Sept. 1 to be exact and Halo 3 is right around the corner.
Possibly the biggest game of the year, an easy contender for "Game of the Year", and it's almost here!
I remember preordering the Halo 3 Legendary Edition last Nov and now it's already Sept, the month of one of the biggest events in gaming history!
Halo 3 is going to be everything Halo: Combat Evolved and Halo 2 was, but a thousand times better(I HOPE!), both Campaign Mode and Multiplayer.
I was apart of the Halo 3 MP Beta a few months back and that was a lot of fun, even though it was just a beta. So, the final retail version of the mutiplayer espect I'm sure is gonna be awesome as I'm sure the Campaign part is gonna blow everyone's mind.
Sept. 25 is the biggest day of this month and it's gonna be one hell of an awesome ride!
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